Manufacturers Representatives


Advisory Board

The purpose of the Advisory Board is to guide the Borglin Group with key tactical decisions that will direct the company for years to come. They also provide accountability, both financially and ethically, for the manner in which the Borglin Group is run on a day-to-day basis.



Greg Meehan

Greg is the President of Meehan CPA, a public accounting firm that assists individuals and businesses across the country. He graduated from Michigan State University and has held his CPA license since 2009. He is married with 3 children.

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Dave Wilson

Radio Host of Family Life Today, Author or Lead Pastor Kensington Community Church (over 15,000 weekly attenders), former Chaplain of Detroit Lions for 33 years, President of Vertical First Ministries, Author of Vertical Marriage, Ball State University Graduate and All-American Quarterback.

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Jason Schomer

Owner of Schomer & Associates, Manufacturers Representatives, $300M+ OEM sales revenue, serving the automotive markets with electromechanical, screw machine, and casting products, Notre Dame University graduate and baseball player.